Tuesday 9 April 2019

The Kings Trail - Day 5: Kaitumjaure to Nikkaluokta

A fabulous finale! 

48km of dog powered travel, through some of the most dramatic scenery yet. And after some gentle uphills, it was mostly with gravity. 

We're off the bottom of my map - I took a photo of the hut wardens to keep track of where we've been!

It was bitterly cold as we travelled north to Singistugorna, having got up at 5:30am to feels the dogs, but the sun was on it’s way. As we turned east towards Kebnekaise (the highest peak in Sweden), it was clear that we were heading towards a snowstorm. 

I swapped glasses to goggles and donned my full face mask as we made our way up and over our last col, passing some Reindeer along the way.

Looking back, the mountains were stunning. I kept wanting to take photos to remember it by. The last 10km or so was along a river bed.

The visibility was poor as we descended and I put on my extra down jacket on top of everything I was wearing to fend off the windchill and was glad of it too!

We were the last tour of the season and the river had started to melt in places! By the end of the trail, the snow was only a few inches deep. On the drive back to the kennels, we passed some Moose! I was snoozing, but Kelly woke me just in time. 

It’s been a remarkable trip, especially having now found out that we are one of the only teams to have completed the crossing this season! We ate dinner in the little Kota at the kennels, before having an early night.

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