Monday 8 April 2019

The Kings Trail - Day 4: Sälkastugorna to Kaitumjaure

I was on dog feeding duty this morning. Not my favorite task, but one that needs doing if we are to keep up the pace!

Glorious downhill sledding today! 

Incredible scenery!

Hot drinks provided by a friendly warden at Singistugorna, where we stopped briefly. 

Only 2hrs 40mins of Sledding today, and nice to not be pushing the whole way. 

Enjoyed a few minutes of peace and quite having a sauna by myself at the end of the day. Went out and washed off in the snow, after spending twenty minutes sweating away while staring out the window up a remote valley. Blissful times. 

Now on day five of having had no phone reception or wi-go, which these days is quite something. I wonder how long it will be before this is a phenomenon of the past?....

A sliver of moon has appeared, but no northern lights again.

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