Friday 19 April 2019

Getting to Györ, Hungary

Bunk bed breakfast looking out over the water, from our room on the floating pontoon was a lovely way to start the day. 

Outside all was bright and warm already as we loaded the bikes. 

We checked out the whitewater course before leaving and watched a few slalom kayakers and some surfers on the river wave. 

It looked amazing, but we didn’t have time to have a go - it was time to start peddling...

We were soon in Hungary, although saw no sign of a boarder crossing. I felt rich when I withdrew some cash in the town of Mosonmagyaróvár, where we stopped for a cheese sandwich. It was a beautiful town and completely deserted. 

That’s when we remembered it was Good Friday and a public holiday - luckily we had food with us as everywhere was closed.
The trail took us through a few more villages and along a 7km section that was a completely straight line. Out here in the Hungarian Plains, there’s no need for a road to meander.

We stopped for a rest at the derelict looking Castle at Hédervár. It must have been amazing in its hay day, with Sphinxes guarding the front door.

I began to flag a bit in the afternoon and the sun beat down relentlessly. Our research has suggested daytime temperatures reaching on average 14°C, but local themometers were giving readings of 30°C! We weren’t complaining at all as it felt like we were on our summer holidays. A nicely timed heatwave, but what must it be like in July!?

After a couple of curb side breaks and a short snooze under a tree in a village park, we finally crossed the bridge into the city of Györ. It was an impressive entrance.

Our apartment is ridiculous. So lavish! And an unprecedented 9.9 rating on Clare sure knows how to seek out the bargains - it was only fractionally more expensive than last nights bunk bed! Oh, and before we were shown the place, we had to go for welcoming wine tasting in the cellar with the owner.

After a quick shower and freshen up, we walk outside and straight into the main square, where we consumed ice cream, pizza and the best coffee in town in quick succession before returning for more food. 

As the moon rose over the town, we drank chilled white wine under the church towers. 
Day 3: 64.4km

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