Monday 1 April 2019

Cader Idris - Pop-up summit cafe!

I'd been taking groups of students for an ascent of Cader Idris about three times a year for at least the last ten years. During this time, we've experienced all kinds of weather and seen all kinds of sights, but today we found something new on the summit.

It was a Mother's Day climb...

Conditions were a bit nippy due to the cold breeze, but otherwise perfect and we made reasonable time getting to the top.

When we arrived at the summit shelter, we found a bloke (and his two children) cooking up bacon and egg butties and handing them out to all summiteers! Amazing! Someone had told us this as we climbed the final section, but we had thought it was a wind-up. Clearly not. He even made me a hot cup of tea for our efforts! A real treat and act of kindness - they must have had some heavy pack when they walked up. It was lovely watching people faces as they arrived tired and weary at the top and were handed an unexpected treat!

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