Thursday, 17 September 2020

Bochlwyd Eliminate - HVS, (5a)**

Strange weather today. I left The Cottage in glorious blue sky sunshine and drove straight into a dense bank of cold fog at the coast. While I was in a whiteout all day, the mountains have been warm and sunny! I got straight back into the sun as soon as I could as I was meeting up with an old student of mine in Ogwen who was visiting. It was great to hook up and hear what he had been up to and even better to have him leading up a climb, with me belaying. Clare came out and met us too so it was a nice little social reunion.
Having taught Mark the basics of climbing many years ago now, it was rather satisfying to share a climb as equal and hear of his adventures and work at the National Mountain Centre in Scotland. He'd not climbed on Bochlwyd Buttress before, so we thought it would be a good introduction to a classic climb of the area. Coming from Scotland, he thought it funny when I apologized for the long twenty-minute uphill hike to the crag, proclaiming it practically roadside compared to climbing in Scotland! A wonderful evening and even made it back to the cars without a headtorch. Just. Evenings are drawing in!...

Bochlwyd Buttress:
- Bochlwyd Eliminate, HVS (5a)**

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