Tuesday 16 April 2019

Vienna Tourists

We were somewhere over France by the time the sun came up, but despite the early start, it was one of our best airport experiences. Firstly a comfy two minute shuttle to the airport door from the hotel. Then, due to a deal with our phones, we checked our bags in priority (and at no cost), skipped the next queue at security and finally, bypassed the already winding line of folk waiting to board the plane! So slick.

By mid-morning we were strolling the streets of Vienna, Austria. The next ten days will hopefully see us through Slovakia and Hungry via bike travel, but today we had no agenda and a city to explore.

Leaving bags at the hotel, we walked down to get our first view of the River Danube, which we’ll be loosely following to Budapest during the remainder of the month.

Unencumbered by bags, bikes or time constraints, we followed our noses through the city to see some of the major landmarks on a glorious Spring day.

After a snooze in a park and another stop at the hotel to freshen up, we visited the fairground where I tried the local delight of a cheese filled hotdog. Wrong on so many levels, but a cultural experience not to be missed apparently.

Our hotel is a really quirky place, that is made entirely of re-cycled wood and re-claimed furniture. I particularly like our bed side table!  Who’d have thought that a broken chair would come in handy one day eh Dad?! ;-)

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