Friday 5 April 2019

The Kingstrail - Abisko to Abiskojaurestugorna

-17°C and a 5:45am start led to frozen boogers from the outset. 

A beautiful cloudless start though. My face was freezing while we rode back to the Husky Base across a big frozen lake, but the situation was amazing. 

At base, we loaded up the gear and dogs and drove west on the same road that Clare and I had taken to Lofoten a few summers ago. 

At Abisko, we re-harnessed the dogs and sped off. This time into an empty mountain landscape. I say, sped, but actually, with an extra 30kg of dog food, supplies and equipment it was a much slower drag!

We had to walk and push quite a bit and I was soon roasting hot. 

It was a sweaty 13km and we were all glad to have made it to the hut. Once again, it was chores first. 

After staking out the dogs in a line, we split into groups. I was stationed at log gym, sawing and chopping firewood, while others sorted the dogs and food. 

A lady was in charge of ‘wardening’ the various huts and gave us a warm welcome and some warm lemonade she had made. 

Sausage pasta for dinner. Tasty. Stayed up until 10:30 waiting for it to get dark, so that we would have a chance of seeing the northern lights again. We stood and looked for a while, but saw only stars. Inside the huts, there is no electricity, so it was map checking and reading by candlelight before bed.

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