Monday 22 April 2019

Meanders from Štúrovo to Vác

Over the bridge and into Hungary to start the day. 

We took the traditional entrance up to the Bastilica (by mistake), which was a total bone shaker of uphill cobbles. 

The bonus was that we had a grand view for the final smooth section up to the entrance.

The views looking down into Slovakia and last nights town (Štùrovo) and the river were enormous.

As was the front door of the building.

Inside the organ was playing and reverberating around the building. 

The next section of riding took us along the meandering banks of the river to where we had to cross via a ferry. 

It looked windy out on the river, so I put on my jacket and trousers, which as it turned out, matched perfectly, giving me the look of a serious cycle tourer...

We only had to wait 15 minutes for the ferry. Amazingly, it was just a floating pontoon. 

They pushed us off and we were at the mercy of the river, until a skilful tug driver, nudged is across to the overside in a ten minute crossing. 

The path suddenly became busier now - the first time we’d really seen any other cyclists. Big groups, small cycle lanes, junctions, meanders a headwind and even a few small uphills, made for quite tiring progress. 
We were both glad to arrive at the relative civilisation of Vàc. 

Especially as it had started to spot with rain and looked like it might pour down! Thankfully, this time, we had another ridiculously beautiful apartment to arrive at. 

The rain didn’t arrive until after dark, so we could explore the Easter decorations in the small town and riverside on foot.

Day 6: 47.6km

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