Wednesday 3 April 2019

Cwm Eigiau Circuit - Four season in one day

Googles and facemasks would have been a useful addition to our kit today. Between the bright and sunny spells, there have been some fierce hail and snow storms passing through. To give ourselves a bit of shelter we walked into Cwm Eigiau today, which is not somewhere I often frequent. It had a really remote feel to it.

As we reached the main bend in the valley, the 'weather' appeared from the north - it was only a matter of time until it hit us! (Just long enough to get hood and zips up!).

All we could do was get our heads down and take it on...

As we gained height, we entered winter again!

Having crossed the high plateau in conditions which were ideal for my lesson of teaching compass bearing travel in extemis, we descended to the positively summery valley of Cwm Dulyn. 

Having arrived armed with a few logs each, we soon had the bothy fire roaring and we all warmed up before the long march out. We'd covered nearly 17km and all felt happy if a little weary from our four seasons in one day experience!

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