Saturday 19 May 2018

Lunch on a ledge at Serendippo

Having despatched a small team of students with fifteen euros and instructions to return with a nutritious breakfast, this is what they returned with! 

To be fair, it was a delicious start to the day, but slightly sweeter than I’m used to. Shaking with sugar overload, we jittered our way up to a crag above the village called Serendippio, where some of the cliffs were still in the shade. 

It was feeling like a scorcher of a day when then sun hit the crags, but thankfully some high clouds blocked out some of the temperatures. We all climbed a handful of routes before deciding to go on a mission for lunch. 

Half way up the crag, some of the lads had spotted a reasonable size ledge. Rather than eat our lunch at the base of the crag, we packed a rucksack and climbed up to the ledge to enjoy the view and a sandwich at the same time. I went up first and fixed some anchors, then brought up the team. When all seven of us were sat side by side with legs dangling over the edge we (carefully) passed around the butties. It was a scene reminiscent of the old famous photo of American workers having lunch sitting on a girder while building a skyscraper; except we were safely tied on!

After abseiling back to the ground , everyone did a few more climbs before the heat got the better of us at around 16:30. Time for ice creams a a dip in the sea to cool down. 

We are staying in small wooden cabins in a Campsite, so each night one cabin ‘invites’ the rest of the team over for a civilised ‘dinner and debate’ where we share a meal together and discuss topics of the day. Yesterday’s chat was all bout the pros, cons and ethics of driverless cars. With today being the ‘Royal Wedding’ (by the way the lads insisted we all stand, salute and belt out a verse of the National Anthem at midday!), we debated whether Charles should get a go as King after the Queen?...
Aled set the standard for the ‘come dine with me’ series, with a delicious pasta, ham and salad dish. I’m being well fed so far...

Placcche di Serendippo, Cala Gonone, Sardinia:
- Come a Chamonix, 5b
- Stanno a guardare, 6a
- Scaramorza. 5b
- Josephine, 6a+
- Della Grigrlia, 5b
- Pinocchio, 4c

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