Friday, 10 April 2015

Post Expedition Re-Adjustment

Stayed awake on a Californian buzz for the entire flight home. Rolled into Heathrow feeling a little light headed though..

We stayed a night at Fort Martin, then finally completed our journey by heading home to Wales. 

Being back at The Cottage feels strange, with so many familiar things around us. Our lodger had left the place looking good, so it's been easy to move back in. It's always wierd coming home from an expedition, but this time it feels especially disorientating. So much has happened, that it's almost impossible to tell anyone about it, and after living with so few possessions, there feels like an overwhelming amount of 'stuff' that we own here! And so far the weather has been a crazy mixture of sunny, then snowy and blowing a gale.

It's going to take a little while to mentally arrive home, so for now we'll keep a little bit of America going here at The Cottage Café. 

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