Sunday 26 March 2023

Down the Danube - Part II

A few years ago in 2019, Clare and I cycled from Vienna to Budapest. (For some pics, click here)..

Today, we returned to Hungary to continue the journey, down the River Danube towards Croatia and Serbia. After a late night (due to both a party and Mum reminding us that the clocks go forward), we left The Cottage in a bit of a blur. After getting to the airport on autopilot, I just about managed to stay awake for take off. Before we knew it, Budapest and the river were in sight.

After a long queue to get our passports stamped (now that we can no longer stroll through the queue less EU members only area. Grrrr), we had a swift transfer to a small hotel in the centre of the city, just a few blocks from the river. We checked and promptly fell asleep.

Some mint tea and a big feed at ‘Hugo’s’ Mexican Restaurant, set us up for a walk along the river and to soak up some of the evening city vibe. 

It’s warm enough, but nothing like the heatwave from last time we were here! 

Lots of impressive buildings and bridges. 

Found a cash point and soon had a fat wad of cash to contend with - 36,000 Hungarian Forits to keep us going for a few days.. Feels like a bit of a culture shock being here. A good rest tonight, then tomorrow we hopefully pick up our bikes. Then it’s just the simple matter of turning the peddles and we’re back ‘on tour’! 

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