Thursday 11 November 2021

Eldrid OHM - Sport Climbing Safety

I've been using the little gadget on and off for a while now. The Eldrid OHM can be clipped to the first bolt on a sport climb to give a little extra friction should the leader fall unexpectedly. This help the belayed to 'catch' the fall without being given such a heavy shock. It was super handy today as I was being belayed by my students in order to put up the ropes. With it came to lowering down, there was so much friction on one climb, that I almost wasn't heavy enough to get back down! I had to pull my self down the rope, which although unusual, did make me feel much safer, with novice belayer!  

I'd certainly recommend getting one for working with groups - especially novice ones and or if the belayer is much lighter than the climber. It's getting close to the time of year, where indoor climbing walls start to become more appealing, but we managed to sneak in another outdoor session, while it was still dry and just in double figures.

The sun does dip low quickly though!

The Petzl Connect lanyard also had plenty of use today as I went up and down various ropes and climbs. Essential bit of sport climbing equipment and another very clever, yet simple bit of engineering. We climbed all day at Castle Inn and stood atop of the hill looking out to sea as an air raid siren marked the start and finish of a two minute silence.

Castle Inn Quarry:
- Tiad, 5a
- Nain, 5a
- Zunba, 5a

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