Thursday 14 February 2019

Night Paddle on the Menai Straits

We had to adapt plans for this evenings night paddle down the Menai Straits, to accommodate a stronger than ideal wind. We opted for a close to the shore through trip from Menai Bridge and Britannia Bridge as the conditions were too rough for a crossing to Y Felininheli.

There was a waxing moon, but the clouds came and went so visibility remained low. We resisted using our torches as we battled into the wind through Menai Bridge to let our eyes adjust as best as possible.

Soon the only light was that of the distant bridge and the glowsticks that were clipped to each of our shoulders. With the wind against tide, the water was particularly difficult to read and at times some waves splashed alarmingly at the side of the boats as we strained to keep them moving in the desired directions. Every now and then a bird would shriek and dark, winged silhouettes would fly overhead.

Just before reaching Britannia Bridge, we pulled over and decided that given the conditions, the safest and most sensible option would be to retreat back the way we had come, even though it would be against the tide. It was a wise choice as the wind was exerting more authority than the tide tonight.

Back up at Menai Bridge, we had a breather in the eddy, before going full throttle back up through the bridge station, where the flow had more force. We all made it through and all somewhat relieved to be back in the sheltered water. It was time for chips...

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