Sunday 11 November 2018

A Climbing Wall Overdose...

In the last six days, I've been in a different climbing wall every day. And it's not all just been climbing. I had a late night of route setting and maintenance on Wednesday, getting the bouldering wall ready for a competition. Thankfully the batteries on the drill held out and saved a huge amount of physical effort. It can be a bit overwhelming standing in the wall on your own while a massive pile of climbing holds that all need fixing on in a precise and calculated way. I soon got into 'the zone' and surprised myself on my output that night.

Next day, I was at Indy Wall bouldering with friends...

On Friday I was at a workshop with the great and good of the climbing instructional world as we put together the final touches on the new Mountain Training course called Assistant Indoor Climbing Instructor. This is a new award, which will begin to be delivered in the new year, and which I am qualified to provide. It was a long day, with lots of discussion between very experienced individuals to come up with an agreed consensus. Exciting to be in at the start of something new and to have an opinion to chip in too.

Saturday was competition day, which was brilliant. Students past and present all sweating and straining their way up the devious creations that I had made earlier in the week. Strong scenes and good vibes, made for a very rewarding day.

And today I've been back at Indy Wall for a session with some senior students who I took to Sardinia last year. Some of them have really grown some muscles over the summer and I almost got burnt off by one of them! Good to be kept on my toes! I'm back at The Cottage now and I think my fingers will be very glad of a rest and happy to let my legs do some work on a mountain walk tomorrow instead! I'll leave you with a funny slide from the mountain training workshop on Friday - getting an opinion and decision making with a room full of experienced climbers who all know best!...

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