Wednesday 18 July 2018

Day 10 - Varberg Vicinity

We got the peddles turning again this morning after making some use of the luxury of running hot water. We were almost giddy with excitement as we checked out of camp and headed onto the trail. The morning actually passed by relatively uneventfully, with the cycle route running parallel to the main road and almost completely straight for several kilometres. Eventually we rejoined the coast and followed a much more interesting but busy promenade into Varberg, past an old Fort to their elaborate pier.

The town itself was the busiest place that we’d been to so far in Sweden. The town square was hosting a market that was in full swing with the streets and cafes packed. Unfortunately we were a day too early for the skate and surf festival that was being set up around the fort, but we stopped briefly to watch a few guys on the ramp.

As a few raindrops started to fall, we opted to take shelter in a coffee shop whose walls were decorated with old cassettes. Thankfully, the rain never got going and we could continue on in t-shirts.

On the way through, we had passed one of Sweden’s best surf beaches (apparently). We checked the surf, just in case, but all was flat. Had it been sunnier we might have rented a paddle board, or had a drink in one of the surf shacks, but today we were happy to roll on through.

On leaving northward from Varberg, we stopped for a late lunch (cheese, cucumber and ham sandwiches), in the bird reserve just north of the town, then began our search for somewhere to camp.

There were various little bays and peninsular that was almost perfect, but they all either lacked flat ground or distance from other houses, as is the rule for free camping in Sweden. Just as we were starting to flag, we found an area right by the waters edge, off a path with a tent sized area of flat ground. Our journey for the day was over. We unpacked, brewed up and finished our book (The Circle, by Dave Eggars - interesting and fun, but poorly developed plot?).. Anyway, the sunset more than made up for a bit of a non event book end!

We got the tent up while the sun hit the horizon and soon got horizontal ourselves.

Total Ride: 54.2km

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