Sunday 29 January 2017

Weekend Activities for the Tourist in North Wales

I've been away for a few days running a short residential course with some international students. It's been a weird blend of frantic, chaotic, relaxed and chilled. In preparation for departure and to get a moment of solace to check my lists, I made sure I fitted in a few minutes at my favourite coffee shop before we got started!

There was actually a good dump of snow in the mountains that I had hoped to get involved in, but the team were not so excited by the prospect of a walk up-hill, so the 'tourist attractions' won out this time!


We were staying locally at the fantastic 'Dol Peris' Guesthouse in Llanberis - (look no further for the best value bunkhouse style accommodation in North Wales) and although teaching the 'life skills' of using a kitchen was part of the weekend's agenda, we did manage to get one meal (classic all day breakfast of course) at the world famous 'Pete's Eats', which is a sixty second walk away.

Saturday was spent underground - in the surreal environment of 'Bouce Below'. It's an old abandoned mine that has been festooned with multi-layers of trampolines, slides, music and disco lights. Utterly bonkers....

It's impossible not to be impressed with the place really, even though the 'theme-park' kind of activity is not really my thing. I could only look around in wonder while pondering 'who made it?' 'who declares that it's safe?' 'who knows what's going on?!'. It was quite an experience.
Back at the house, I introduced the Japanese to Grandma Martin's Shopping Game, which ticked the educational aims of, manners, sportsmanship, vocabulary and memory enhancement and was enjoyed by all well into the night, interspersed only by a pizza making masterclass!


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