Sunday 7 February 2016

Scrambling on Tryfan's North Ridge

A totally brilliant day, sneaking in a quick ascent up the classic scramble of Tryfan's North Ridge. The weather has continued to provide, gales, heavy rain and the odd sleety shower, so not ideal conditions for such a venture, but there was a (very) small window of opportunity today, so we snatched it with both hands!

I had a small team of students, who were keen for something 'more adventurous' than the advertised mountain walk that I was due to be taking them on. So after checking the conditions, we decided to go for it. We set a blistering pace up from the A5. The weather was dry but very cold and windy, so where we could, we tucked down below the true crest of the ridge to keep a little shelter as the wind chill was well into minus figures. With heavy wintery showers on their way and a increase in the wind speed forecast for mid afternoon, I kept cracking the whip to keep us from getting into trouble.

There was no snow, just plenty of ice to negotiate near the summit and the winds were already very strong by the time we reached the top. Despite the bitter cold, everyone was buzzing when we arrived there - pleased with our achievements, given the gloomy forecast. To give you an idea of the wind speed, while posing for a summit photo, one the group got blown over and another's hat blew off - we watched it fly up and up over the east face like an out of control parachute! We didn't hang about. A change in conditions could be clearly seen on the horizon. 

We descended the west face gully as fast as we could, with one eye on the path and the other on the incoming weather. Our luck held out. Just as we arrived back to the van, the first big slushy rain drops started to fall. Minutes later the rain was torrential and all views of the mountains were gone! 
We made straight for the cafe to celebrate our good luck. Tea by the fireside warmed us up nicely. As we drove back through the valley we could just make out the snow covered hillsides! 

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