Thursday 15 January 2015

Surfing Manu Bay

Headed straight to the beach after breakfast this morning. There was still a pretty busy line-up, but nothing line the night before.
Clare wasted no time establishing herself as body board supremo, by catching the longest ride of the day by far. 
The waves wrap around a rocky point meaning that they always break in the same direction. If you are lucky enough to pick one up, it just keeps peeling and off you go! 

The main difficulty for me was getting in the right spot without getting in the way of others, or other surfers getting in my way! We got out for an energy boost in the form of an early noodle session before midday. Clare was buzzing, but I was still to 'get a good un'.

Re-energised by the noodles and with suddenly a lot less people in the water, I got back in and this time made much more of this world class spot! Once you're on the wave, it just gently peels away. I let out an involuntary 'yee-ha' when I finally popped to my feet, feeling in balance and watching the glassy green water building up alongside me!

After a short respite, we had a final session where my arms were too tired for much, but Clare started to perfect some 360 spins on the wave!

On the drive back to the Cambrige house, we took a short detour to see 'Bridal Veil Falls' which was well worth seeing! A 55m free falling waterfall, with some impressive rock formations either side - in the middle of nowhere, just advertised by a small sign. We didn't stay long as we were worried we might not have the engery to make it home! 

De-hydrated, sun bleached and salty and with aching bodies we staggered back to Cambridge, where we collapsed with ice cold drinks on the blissfully shady terrace.

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